Resource & Support
The Resource & Support Hub coordinates professional development activities for Early Childhood professionals across the state. Hub services include accessing professional development registration and trainings in New Mexico Early Learning System (NMELS), maintenance of the statewide NM Trainer Registry, and the coordination of learning events and other Early Childhood meetings.
Resource & Referral
Resource & Referral is a statewide service connecting families to services in their community including child care, financial assistance for child care, home visiting, PreK programs, and other basic needs. The child care database includes licensed centers, licensed and registered family child care homes, home visiting programs and other early intervention services, and we are continuously working to add programs and services to our systems in order to further benefit New Mexico families and caregivers.
You can contact Resource & Referral by calling (505) 277 - 7900 or emailing
Resource & referral tools, including the Family Services Portal, are available online at

Trainer Registry & Early Childhood Professional Support
The Resource & Support Hub's Professional Support group coordinates professional development activities for Early Childhood professionals across the state. Hub services include the design of online and face-to face learning events, support and training for facilitators, maintenance of the statewide NM Trainer Registry, and the coordination of learning events and other Early Childhood meetings. The purpose of the Trainer Registry is to ensure that early care professionals receive instruction from qualified individuals based on the Seven Common Core Content Competency Areas.
To reach the trainer registry, please contact:
Please visit for information or registration for available trainings such as:
- Safety and Supervision
- Continuous Quality Improvement
- Authentic Observation and Documentation
- Infant Toddler Development
- Inclusive Practices
- Dual Language Learners